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Air Select Company

The flying car's dream, now a reality.


Each trimester, we want to inform you about the evolution of the company and Air-Go project in this News tab, through the letters of Air Project Corporation.

Air Select Company letter, number 2:

The company is currently in its infancy. She is in her childhood and Air-Go project is still pampered in the bud. Soon, we want to make known to aerodromes and the French Aviation Federation, to get their attention. As well, we solicit aeronautic and automotive professionals to know their position and their potential implication for prototype elaboration. Our goal is to build a maximum of partnerships around Air-GO project. In terms of financing, we will launch in coming days, a first fundraising operation with banks and outside investors, and through a crowdfunding, to get a great participation.

Today, we have the specifications of Air-Go, tomorrow we want to freeze technical package of the prototype. Together, let's build the future of airspace.

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